
At Sterchi Hills, we believe in sharing the Gospel in obedience to the Great Commandment and a passionate pursuit of the Great Commission. This command calls us to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples of Jesus in our community, our nation and throughout the world. We provide opportunities to serve and support many local, national, and worldwide ministries.

The mission of Sterchi Hills is to Know Jesus intimately, to Grow as a community of Jesus followers, and to Go next door and around the world to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

When it comes to going, we maintain a local and global mission outreach. Some of these outreach opportunities are operated by church volunteers, while others are through partnerships we have established with local and international ministry partners. These ministry partners share in the church’s mission of serving those in our community and reaching the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Some partners build lasting relationships through providing services to the most vulnerable among us. Others are located in foreign lands where many people have never heard about the saving grace of Jesus. 

Whether it is praying, sending, welcoming, mobilizing, or going yourself, we believe all believers have a role to play in the Great Commission. God has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and made us citizens of His eternal kingdom through Jesus, our Savior and Lord. This is the greatest news the world could ever hear about. It is our duty as believers to make sure they hear! Romans 10:14-15

If you're interested in volunteering with any of the ministries below, click the button on the right and fill out the form so we can find the best opportunity for you!




Hope Through Him – Honduras

Brad & Cristy Lenderman
What’s App +504-3214-4383 & +504-3395-9587


Connect Church – Philippines

Jeff Cruse